3. Full Documentation

3.1. Module

class E200.E200_Image_Iter(img_dataset, UID=None, numperset=None)[source]

Iterable object for use in embedding in for loops to prevent running out of memory. Loads available images from img_dataset (type E200.Drill containing camera data). If UID is present, only loads matching UIDs. Loads numperset images at a time.

(Note: Can and should be used directly!)

E200.E200_api_getUID(dataset, val, f=None)[source]

Return all UIDs where val is equal to the value of the dat member of dataset (which must be either an E200.Drill or an Group class).

Returns an array of UIDs.

E200.E200_api_getdat(dataset, UID=None, fieldname='dat')[source]

Load data from a dataset, which must be either an E200.Drill or an h5py.Group class. If no UID is given, all available UIDs are loaded. The fieldname determines which member is loaded from the dataset.

Returns an instance of E200.E200_Dat.

E200.E200_load_data(filename, savefile=None, matlab_verbose=False)[source]

Loads dataset file where filename is a str of the relative location of the file (i.e. nas/nas-li20-pm00/E200/2015/20150602/E200_17712). If specified, saves the intermediate h5py file to savefile. matlab_verbose determines whether Matlab’s output while loading the file is printed to the terminal.

Returns an instance of E200.Data.

Note: this function calls Matlab code; it is not surprising to see Matlab open in the terminal.

E200.E200_load_data_gui(experiment=None, verbose=False)[source]

Allows user to select a dataset file to load via a GUI file picker.

If experiment (type str) is specified, the GUI defaults to the last saved dataset from experiment. Typical options are:

  • 'E200'
  • 'E217'

Returns an instance of E200.Data.

Note: this function calls Matlab code; it is not surprising to see Matlab open in the terminal.

E200.E200_load_images(img_dataset, UID=None)[source]

Loads available images from img_dataset (type E200.Drill containing camera data) corresponding to UID (array or number).

Returns an instance of E200.E200_Image.

3.2. Directly Accessible Classes

class E200.E200_Image_Iter(img_dataset, UID=None, numperset=None)[source]

Iterable object for use in embedding in for loops to prevent running out of memory. Loads available images from img_dataset (type E200.Drill containing camera data). If UID is present, only loads matching UIDs. Loads numperset images at a time.

(Note: Can and should be used directly!)

3.3. Indirectly Accessible Classes

class E200.E200_Dat(dat, uid, field)[source]

Contains data. This is designed to prevent accidental incorrect correlation of data with UIDs, in case a request for data cannot find UIDs.

Should not be created directly, only accessed through E200.E200_load_images().


An array of UIDs correlated to E200.E200_Dat.dat.


An array of data correlated to E200.E200_Dat.UID.


Field data was loaded from.

class E200.Data(read_file, filename=None)[source]

Top-level data file representing all information for a single dataset loaded from filename. read_file (type h5py._hl.files.File, an h5py file) is the loaded data, to be read-only.

Should not be created directly, only accessed through E200.E200_load_data() or E200.E200_load_data_gui().


Closes the read_file


The filename the dataset was loaded with.


The name of the dataset (i.e. 'E217_17990').

class E200.Drill(data)[source]

Designed for representing hierarchical h5py data. data (type h5py._hl.files.File, an h5py file) is the h5py file at a particular hierarchical depth.

Members: If not nested E200.Drill objects, they may be arrays representing various types of information particular to their parent.

Should not be created directly, only accessed through E200.E200_load_data() or E200.E200_load_data_gui().


An array of the UIDs available.

(Note: Typical, may not be present.)


An array of the data available.

(Note: Typical, may not be present.)


A description of the data.

(Note: Typical, may not be present.)

class E200.E200_Image(images, dat, uid, timestamps, image_backgrounds=None)[source]

Bases: E200.E200_Dat

Contains image data. This is designed to prevent accidental incorrect correlation of images with UIDs, in case a request for images cannot find UIDs.

Should not be created directly, only accessed through E200.E200_load_images().


An array of UIDs.


Field data was loaded from.


An array of image backgrounds, correlated with E200.E200_Image.UID.


An array of images, correlated with E200.E200_Image.UID.


An array of images with backgrounds subtracted, correlated with E200.E200_Image.UID.


An array of timestamps indicating when E200.E200_Image.images were taken, correlated with E200.E200_Image.UID.